Composition of the Competition Jury
"Mountain shelter on Hedgehog Mountain with restaurant and viewing terraces".
We invited some of the most eminent specialists in the fields of architecture and art, constructors and scientists to join the Jury of the competition for the design of the "Mountain shelter on the mountain of Hedgehog Water with restaurant and viewing terraces".

One of the most internationally renowned Polish painters and sculptors. Leading representative of fantasy realism. Graduated, among others, from the École des Beaux-Arts. Lives and works in France. Siudmak's timeless and deeply individual art, far from being theoretical and fashionable, captivates with its Renaissance perfection and imagination, which goes beyond the norms, and fascinates with its intellectual richness. The artist's world is unique, full of personal symbolism, fantastic characters and constructions based on unexpected strands of thought. He is inspired by the universe and the work of physicists and astrophysicists. He considers them to be the avant-garde of our time, not only scientifically but also in some ways artistically.

President of the Management Board of the IDEANOVA Foundation, long-standing President of the Management Board and Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of companies throughout Poland, including Murapol S.A.. He graduated from Tadeusz Kościuszko Cracow University of Technology with a degree in Civil Engineering. His interests include design, architecture, art and off-road travel. He is also willingly involved in social activities.

Deputy Director of the Nicolaus Copernicus Planetarium and Observatory in Chorzów. Trained as an astronomer. He had the opportunity to cooperate in astronomical research with the Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University. He is interested in physics, cosmology, astronomy and programming.

Architect, creative director and co-owner at WWJA (formerly Wojtys Wojtowicz Architects + Jakabe). Co-owner, CEO and Chief Designer of Jakabe projects sp. z o.o. - Winner of numerous architectural awards such as:. 1st Prize in the category "Newly created public space in greenery" within the 15th edition of the competition for the best developed public space in Poland (2021), Title of the Leader of Małopolska 2020 - 21st edition of the competition for the Best Enterprise in Małopolska 2020, Nomination for the EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe 2019.
He graduated from the Tadeusz Kościuszko University of Technology in Krakow - from the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning and the Faculty of Construction. He is interested in new technologies, 3D printing, mountain hiking, and is also very passionate about printed books.

He is a civil engineer by training and a design 2M in a building construction office. He is also a designer and supervision inspector. He completed his master's studies at the Tadeusz Kościuszko Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering. His interests include new technologies, electronics, robotics and sport.

Designer at Zieta Studio, freelancer. Laureate of public sculpture competitions, winner of the Creative Scholarship of the City of Kraków, Finalist of the Mazda Design Experience. He obtained his master's degree in architectural engineering at ENSA Paris Val-de-Seine. His passion is his work. He is also interested in culture, storytelling in design and discovering new places and their stories.

D. professor at the Jagiellonian University, didactician, astronomer. Scientifically linked with the Astronomical Observatory. Interested in mountain tourism and volleyball. In his professional work, he had the opportunity to operate incredible astronomical instruments, e.g. the 100m radio telescope in Effelsberg (Germany) and "see" with his own eyes what galaxies look like on radio waves.

Doktor inżynier architekt, adiunkt na Uniwersytecie Rolniczym w Krakowie, autor podręcznika do rysunku. Człowiek o wielu pasjach i zainteresowaniach, takich jak historia malarstwa, architektury oraz sztuk plastycznych, architektura obronna, czy historyczna motoryzacja.

Architect, creative director and co-owner at WWJA (formerly Wojtys Wojtowicz Architects + Jakabe). Previously worked, among others, as Director of Innovation and Robotics at FASTER FOOD TECHNOLOGIES, Creative Director at Warsaw Customs and Chief Operating Officer at Debogóra - a family-owned developer.
He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Cracow University of Technology, as well as from the University of Knoxville Tennessee.
Amateur astronomer, aeroplane and glider pilot, admirer of mountains and old Mini cars. After hours, he reworks old motorbikes and repairs antique furniture.

Yacht helmsman currently interested in angular momentum quanta and antigravity.
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